Let us assist you on your path to healing, wellness, and a vibrant life.
Light entering a sunstone produces a flash of light in the eye of the observer. This occurs through three different actions: moving the stone in the light, moving the position of the light, and moving the eye of the observer.
Events in our lives can be viewed in much the same way. Sometimes we must move the event around in the light, examining it, in order to see it more clearly. At other times we must move the position of the light around the event in order to drive out the darkness. And then there are those moments where the best and most important thing we can do is to change our own view.
At times this is simply not possible to do on our own. Thankfully, there are others to help us and walk with us on our journey. It is our aim at Sunstone Counseling to walk with you on your path to healing.
Sunstones have a strong solar energy which embodies them with the warmth, strength, and openness of the sun. When you feel that life is no longer manageable, come to the warmth and strength of Sunstone!